7.Pz.Div. Befehlswagen & Panzer IIIs (Ausf. J, L, M & N) Operation Citadel
Marking set focused on Pz.Rgt. 25 of 7. Panzer Division Panzer IIIs that saw action at the Kursk Offensive, 1943. Otherwise known as Operation Citadel. Several of the unit's Befehlwagens (III) and Panzer IIIs were photographed with sAbt 503 Tiger Is rolling along in the background. The unit's Panzer IIIs had unique features, such as pointy, custom-trimmed, front-most side shields. A small bracket at the front edge, bolted to the fenders to keep the shields in place. The trims were most likely done at the field workshops as they differed slightly from vehicle to vehicle. A few of the 3rd SS Panzer IIIs had pointed front shields but their trims looked different and were also attached differently. Majority of the set covers the turm numbers on Befehls IIIs based on a variety of Pz III chassis.